Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hints of Spring

I don't know about you but I'm ready for Spring and signs of spring are popping out all over.  Like most of you, we had a crazy winter this year.  We are either getting a false spring or the worst is over.

The barometer going from lows and back and forth.  For us with Fibro, we don't need a barometer, our bodies tell us when it changes.  Doesn't matter if it changes to bad or good, we feel it.    Perhaps we need to listen to it more.  When the pain starts not to overdo and try to do everything in one day.  Get extra rest, eat the foods that are best for us, do our breathing and relaxation exercises and work with it instead of against it.  We can only do this when we accept our pain and decide to do what works best for us to alleviate it.

I've been doing too much sitting, too much wrong eating and not doing right for my body.  And, I am paying heavily for it.  If it is to be, it's up to me.

I just went out to be in the sun, trying to soak up the Natural Vitamin D...  I must start walking.  If you live on a big hill you will understand.  To get in the car and drive to a safe and flat area is something that is easy to put off doing.  If I could walk out my door and walk on flat sidewalks, it would be great.  Hmmm, guess I'm making excuses, do you do that, too?  I have an area less than 2 minutes away that I can walk safely.   We get a lot of rain (I bought a raincoat last year and haven't worn it once)...  excuse again.   I've really got to put in action what I know I have to do for myself. Why do we seem to procrastinate?

This is my year to improve myself.  I'm starting today.  It'll take work not to procrastinate but in the end, it will be so worth it.

What are you doing for yourself this year?

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